My brain’s a bit of a mess at the moment. No specific reason, other than adjusting to a summer schedule, and post-vacation blues. Once again, I have allowed myself to get overwhelmed by ARCs (oh boo hoo!), and unhelpfully prioritizing books that aren’t published until next year.

Anyway, while I was on vacation, I read The Secret History of the Rape Kit, by Pagan Kennedy, which was unbelievably brilliant. It expands on her incredible NYT article (the graphics alone in this piece are gorgeous). Everyone needs to read this book.

I read Delicacy, by Katy Wix, which is incredible, and is going in the “books I will give to my daughter” box. It’s got so many wonderful points about food, and self image, and feminism. Many moons ago, I saw Katy Wix in the bar at the Soho Theatre, and made a point of telling her I thought she was amazing. She doesn’t mention it in the book but I’m fairly confident she remembers. For more Wix, I recommend the sketch show she did with Anna Crilly.

I also read the brilliantly titled Home is Where the Bodies Are, by Jeneva Rose. I don’t read too many thrillers, but this one was based around an incident found on a VHS tape, and the nostalgia is real. In terms of the level of mental taxation, I was able to read this on a flight while fielding requests from my daughter to do voices for her various toys.

Right now I’m about a third of the way through Dorothy Parker in Hollywood, by Gail Crowther (perfect), and finally catching up with The Tainted Cup by Robert Jackson Bennett (I’m at the midway point and it’s slumping a bit; fingers crossed things pick up).

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